Starting out...
After graduating from ASU (business), Greg Sisung and his wife Jenny moved into his parents house in Washington State . They were broke, but Greg had an idea. He saw a small forum site named Auction Patrol for sale on eBay. He knew if he could somehow scrape up some money and buy it, he could use it as a springboard to build new tools and software for the eBay sellers in the group. He was an eBay seller at the time and knew there were many tools that eBay sellers needed. inkFrog was born that day.
inkFrog started as a small community eBay forum where sellers would help other sellers.
For the next few years, it was all about building new and better tools for eBay sellers (that philosophy has not changed, even in present day).
Hired our first programmer
A competitor named SpareDollar, owned by Tomas Salas, started making some serious headway in the eBay space. SpareDollar's software, built by Tomas, was incredible and was kicking inkFrog's "behind" in many ways. After countless meetings, chats, and becoming friends, Greg and Tomas joined together and the dream team was born. Tomas and Greg began working together to build the next generation of eBay tools.
Merger with SpareDollar
With Tomas' at the product helm and Greg heading business, inkFrog was completely rebuilt with an entirely new vision. Full listing management with an emphasis on inventory. inkFrog added the ability to take products from Shopify, Bigcommerce, and Amazon and and sync with eBay. The integration allowed non-eBay sellers to expand into the eBay market and existing eBay sellers to manage their inventory more effectively. The new inkFrog was born and quickly became a success. Shortly thereafter, eBay decided to work with inkFrog on their integrations and formed a partnership which is still in place today. Go inkFrog, go eBay!
Created inventory sync for Shopify, Bigcommerce, and Amazon
inkFrog is acquired by as an addition to the Wix eCommerce Solution.
Acquired by
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