Bulkedit 1

Make one-click changes to any selection of listings

Select some or all of your listings, then update them as a batch. Make rapid edits, one listing per line, or modify them all at once with a single click.

try it free

Bulk update your item descriptions and cross-promotions

Create your listings with designer templates, then make changes to dozens of listings at once just by changing the template they use.

try it free

Bulkedit 2
Bulkedit 3

Maintain and modify listings in custom groups

Use profiles to manage many similar listings with minimal work. Modify the profile for a group of listings and see every related listing automatically updated with your changes.

try it free

Bulkedit 1

Make one-click changes to any selection of listings

Select some or all of your listings, then update them as a batch. Make rapid edits, one listing per line, or modify them all at once with a single click.

try it free

Bulk update your item descriptions and cross-promotions

Create your listings with designer templates, then make changes to dozens of listings at once just by changing the template they use.

try it free

Bulkedit 2
Bulkedit 3

Maintain and modify listings in custom groups

Use profiles to manage many similar listings with minimal work. Modify the profile for a group of listings and see every related listing automatically updated with your changes.

try it free

Bulkedit 1

Make one-click changes to any selection of listings

Select some or all of your listings, then update them as a batch. Make rapid edits, one listing per line, or modify them all at once with a single click.

try it free

Bulk update your item descriptions and cross-promotions

Create your listings with designer templates, then make changes to dozens of listings at once just by changing the template they use.

try it free

Bulkedit 2
Bulkedit 3

Maintain and modify listings in custom groups

Use profiles to manage many similar listings with minimal work. Modify the profile for a group of listings and see every related listing automatically updated with your changes.

try it free

Bulkedit 1

Make one-click changes to any selection of listings

Select some or all of your listings, then update them as a batch. Make rapid edits, one listing per line, or modify them all at once with a single click.

try it free

Bulk update your item descriptions and cross-promotions

Create your listings with designer templates, then make changes to dozens of listings at once just by changing the template they use.

try it free

Bulkedit 2
Bulkedit 3

Maintain and modify listings in custom groups

Use profiles to manage many similar listings with minimal work. Modify the profile for a group of listings and see every related listing automatically updated with your changes.

try it free

Bulkedit 1

Make one-click changes to any selection of listings

Select some or all of your listings, then update them as a batch. Make rapid edits, one listing per line, or modify them all at once with a single click.

try it free

Bulk update your item descriptions and cross-promotions

Create your listings with designer templates, then make changes to dozens of listings at once just by changing the template they use.

try it free

Bulkedit 2
Bulkedit 3

Maintain and modify listings in custom groups

Use profiles to manage many similar listings with minimal work. Modify the profile for a group of listings and see every related listing automatically updated with your changes.

try it free

Bulkedit 1

Make one-click changes to any selection of listings

Select some or all of your listings, then update them as a batch. Make rapid edits, one listing per line, or modify them all at once with a single click.

try it free

Bulk update your item descriptions and cross-promotions

Create your listings with designer templates, then make changes to dozens of listings at once just by changing the template they use.

try it free

Bulkedit 2
Bulkedit 3

Maintain and modify listings in custom groups

Use profiles to manage many similar listings with minimal work. Modify the profile for a group of listings and see every related listing automatically updated with your changes.

try it free

Bulkedit 1

Make one-click changes to any selection of listings

Select some or all of your listings, then update them as a batch. Make rapid edits, one listing per line, or modify them all at once with a single click.

try it free

Bulk update your item descriptions and cross-promotions

Create your listings with designer templates, then make changes to dozens of listings at once just by changing the template they use.

try it free

Bulkedit 2
Bulkedit 3

Maintain and modify listings in custom groups

Use profiles to manage many similar listings with minimal work. Modify the profile for a group of listings and see every related listing automatically updated with your changes.

try it free

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Frequently asked questions

You had questions. We've answered them. See for yourself.

When you signup for inkFrog's 14 day free trial you have access to a limited plan that gives you the ability to create listings, design templates, manage orders, sync inventory across limited channels, and use various parts of the inkFrog platform. When you reach 10 managed listings or 14 days you will be prompted to upgrade to a paid plan. Please only upgrade if you LOVE inkFrog. Also, please send us any feedback you have as we're constantly adding new features.
You are never obligated to use and pay for inkfrog. You can cancel anytime. We are easy to work with and only want you to use our tools if you like them.
A managed listing is any listing that is live on eBay and was handled through the inkFrog platform. This means that you launched, revised, updated or synced inventory for a particular item. Imported Shopify and Bigcommerce items are considered 'managed' since they are constantly synced. A saved item that is in ready, sold, or unsold state (not live on eBay) is NOT counted as managed until it is launched live to eBay. Thus, a seller with under 200 live listings will never have more than 200 managed listings.
inkFrog will simply not allow you to launch, revise, or update a listing until you increase your plan to the next level which supports your managed listing requirement. We have an incredibly low priced, unlimited plan which will ensure you never have an issue with listings.
There is a lot of work which takes place behind the scenes when we manage a listing. We are in constant sync with eBay, Shopify, and Bigcommerce which takes a lot of resources on our end. Our tools may look simple, but the work and cost required to run this type of software is anything but.
Yes. You can Export, Import, or Sync your products to or from eBay, Amazon, Shopify, or BigCommerce to inkFrog. With inkFrog you can create new ASINs, create products on Shopify or BigCommerce, or create new listings on eBay. Once these listings, ASINs, or products are created you can keep inventory levels in sync and create sophisticated pricing strategies between your channels.